All checks were successful
docker / build-docker (linux/amd64) (push) Successful in 1m34s
docker / build-docker (linux/386) (push) Successful in 1m37s
docker / build-docker (linux/arm64/v8) (push) Successful in 7m37s
docker / build-docker (linux/arm64) (push) Successful in 7m44s
docker / build-docker (linux/arm/v7) (push) Successful in 8m12s
30 lines
1.2 KiB
30 lines
1.2 KiB
extension BytesFormat on num {
/// method returns a human readable string representing a file size
/// size can be passed as number or as string
/// the optional parameter 'round' specifies the number of numbers after comma/point (default is 2)
/// the optional boolean parameter 'useBase1024' specifies if we should count in 1024's (true) or 1000's (false). e.g. 1KB = 1024B (default is true)
String bytesFormat({int round = 2, bool useBase1024 = true}) {
const List<String> affixes = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB'];
num divider = useBase1024 ? 1024 : 1000;
num size = this;
num runningDivider = divider;
num runningPreviousDivider = 0;
int affix = 0;
while (size >= runningDivider && affix < affixes.length - 1) {
runningPreviousDivider = runningDivider;
runningDivider *= divider;
String result =
(runningPreviousDivider == 0 ? size : size / runningPreviousDivider).toStringAsFixed(round);
//Check if the result ends with .00000 (depending on how many decimals) and remove it if found.
if (result.endsWith("0" * round)) result = result.substring(0, result.length - round - 1);
return "$result ${affixes[affix]}";